CVC Cavaliers Football vs. Sierra High Chieftains

652416383_sc1q3696The 2009-2010 football season officially opened for Central Valley Christian Cavalier’s this last Friday, one of the most hot and humid days that we had experienced in quite some time.

Junior Varsity had no problem taking an early lead in their game and went on to win the game, allowing the opposing team to score only in the final couple minutes of play. Many of the players that wouldn’t usually be given the opportunity to play in a game found themselves out on the field. For this reason I took many more photographs than I would have usually, in hopes that I would capture players that may otherwise not receive play time in a much closer game. Congratulations to the JV Cavaliers on the win in their first game.

game was much more exciting ending with Sierra High scoring the winning touchdown in the last 2 minutes of play. Though Sierra’s team was much smaller than CVC and had to play some of their players both ways, each team had to fight for every yard gained and every pass received. I look forward to the progress of the Cavaliers throughout the season as they are a young team and should really start to come together as a team before the end of the season.

Photographs Visalia’s Central Valley Christian Cavaliers football game, Friday night Sept 11, 2009, against Sierra Highschool have now been posted to my print service.