An Evening in Hanford

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Just arriving back from my time up in the San Francisco area for my day job I was invited to go out to Hanford for an evening in the heart of their downtown area. Superior Dairy is the place to go when you head in to Hanford, wither you are hungry or no there is always room for the Central Valley famous ice cream. Made there on the premises the ice cream is well worth the half hour drive.

The downtown scene in Hanford reminds me of a couple of movies, always green and always looking as though it belongs in a place that would offer a vacation instead of the hot summer heat. It seems as though the evening is about the best time to be in the central commerce area of Hanford, things are very relaxed and deep shade has settled across it’s entirety and there is an expectation for what the evening might bring.

On this particular evening there was a concert in the park, music that I wouldn’t normally listen to, no matter I still spent the twilight hours of the evening looking at the structures and attractions without the intrusion of people. Just the sounds of the local bikers comming and going on their Harley Motorcycles.

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