A quick trip to Illinois

A long trip away from our home in Visalia my wife and I took a quick trip out to Illinois this past weekend to see one of my friends married off, what a beautiful state. I think that it happened that Katherine and I went to Illinois at just the right time as the corn fields were dry, ready for harvest and the weather wasn’t a suffocating kind of hot that I am told can often settle over the region. Instead of the oppressive heat that Illinois can experience I was greeted by the weather of fall, just weeks away from fall colors and days away from settling frost I could have spent 3 weeks instead of the 3 days that I was in Illinois.

Town after town was full of old structures, old and well cared for barns were scattered across the countryside as thick as the tree’s gracing the rolling hills. There was a since of something different in Illinois that reminds me of no where else I had ever been. I hope that I can return some day and take in the sites and many photographs that can be taken.

Asked to be a part of the wedding party my role as a photographer was to be severely hampered, I did however manage to take a couple of photographs that I thought could be shared. The bride and groom will be the only ones besides myself to see any additional images, I think that the few that I can share should speak for themselves.

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