Things may never be as we remember them being, but we can always celebrate the consistency of the things that we have taken part in. Every year for as long as I can remember and as long as my wife’s parents can remember, Fresno Pacific University has been host to the MCC sale. The MCC sale is put on to help the Mennonite Central Committee in their efforts to see Christs’ work throughout the world.

Though a reasonable day trip away from Visalia as a child I remember visiting the MCC sale, helping with the booth that Neighborhood Mennonite Brethren Church would sponsor wrapping burgers. Things were very different then, much more busy and many more crafts as I can remember. One thing strange for me to think of now is the fact that my wife was also in attendance of this event and it is possible that I met her long before I started dating her.

There are things for all ages, Face Panting and an area for children to play, food from many cultures and the big event being an auction. The auction is primarily of quilted items, once an attraction for all now seems relegated to the few that can appreciate the work that goes into the quilts.

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