What would you write?


There could be so many ways to make an entry in a wedding guest book that could be somewhat funny, however I am never brave enough to follow through. My main thought leaves me wondering what other sort of things people have written before me, this possibility often tempts me to look at previous entries. Many times a guest book is nothing more than a bunch of names scribbled on a very nice sheet of paper, that the bride and groom can look through after the wedding and attempt to remember the people that were in attendance at their wedding. Sometimes though newlyweds or newlyweds to be ask that everyone say something from their heart in order that they might avoid the yearbook signing default, “Have a gr8 summer”.
Attending weddings as a guest I often find myself writing or scribbling a little poem onto a napkin that, reflecting the weight of the day or how I believe the bride or groom are feeling. This then is taken and written or folded into their guest book so that they have something more than a name to fill a line in their guest book and another face that the bride or groom may not remember.
Here the Father of the Bride left a rather large message from the heart to his daughter and new son-in-law. Though I never took the time to read it I am sure that his entry is something that is cherished as much as the rest of the memories from their wedding day. Some of the best memories from a wedding are the ones that you would think would simply go unnoticed.

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