Rankin Wedding Photographs

The new Mr. & Mrs. Rankin created a wedding ceremony that will be long remembered. Including traditions both of the Catholic faith and Irish descent was a wonderful touch that really personalized there ceremony for myself and many others I am sure. The addition of a bag piper really brought our hearts into the right mindset as, I feel, bag pipes usually clue us into the significance of the situation and things that are taking place. It was also explained to me that the kilts warn by the Groom and his brother the best man were of family origin. Photographs can be viewed here.
Prints are available at my cost for those that are unable to wait for the bride and groom to receive their copy of the photographs on DVD at:








As this was my first Catholic wedding ceremony it was very important that I receive specific instructions on when I was supposed to be in different places and how I was to respect the traditions of their faith. The mother of the bride did a wonderful job letting me know ahead of time what the flow of the wedding ceremony would be and informed me that I wasn’t to take any photographs during the Eucharist until communion was completed. Flash photography wasn’t explicitly prohibited as with many of the other weddings that I have photographed however with the equipment that I have flash also wasn’t necessary.

Wedding photography offers the opportunity to travel to many beautiful places that I wouldn’t normally consider visiting myself. Though this wasn’t what I would consider to be a destination wedding in the traditional since of the the phrase it did afford me the opportunity to travel to the Palm Springs/Palm Desert area, experience some of what life is like in that area of California and work with a new environment for photographs.

Many thanks to the bride and groom for including me as a guest with a camera at their wedding and for trusting me to respect the traditions of their Catholic Heritage.

Do you live in the Visalia area? Would you like for kjfphoto to photograph your wedding? click here to get pricing.

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