Day 2: Eureka, Ca to Bandon, Or

I am always amazed at the amount of beauty there is to enjoy while traveling the Northern California coast line, and it was for that very reason that we found ourseves late to our afternoon plans in Brookings, Or and lunch. I found a beach that I just couldn’t let pass me by near Trinidad, Ca after a quick breakfast at their local diner. Photo’s of the beach and it’s beauty should also soon be posted with this. After making ourselves late to Brookings Oregon we took off in that direction as quickly as the speed limits allowed us to go.

Stopping to see a couple of friends in Brookings we quickly found a late lunch at one of the local restaurants, enjoying a shrimp melt, and a cup of their clam chowder as well. After staying for a while and visiting one of the local shops owned by a friend, Creating Lasting Memories, we left Brookings Oregon in hopes that we might return again on our summer vacation next year.

We weren’t far out of town before we were stopped by the beauty of sunlight on an open beach. This time stopping at Whales Head beach we took many photographs of the beach, rocks beyond the water and other interesting things. The sun was wonderful to have and the opportunity to walk around a welcome change to travel in our vehicle.

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Continuing on we enjoyed the scenery and redwood bordered coast line and road until reaching Gold Beach, at which we decided to take another break and look at a beached and partial sunken boat we had once enjoyed on a trip to see one of our friends married off and take photographs at their beautiful wedding. It was there that we learned the story of the boat and the reason that it had been beached at this location and though I now know the story of the boat and it’s beached location I want to encourage you to visit Gold Beach Oregon to find out for yourself.

Katherine and I both committed to Gold beach being our last stop for a while and for quite some time we watched the beautiful beaches between Gold Beach and Port Orford through the windows of our car pass us by for the commitment of the destination we had set for ourselves.

Just before the sun was to set, and just outside of Port Orford, Oregon we decided that we would stop to take in one last view of the ocean, the sun was low and the winds were pushing the breaking waves back, away from the shore. Arriving to also find that there was a Pod of whales not to far from the beach I attempted to find something more that simply just the bumpy barnacle covered back of a whale to photograph before retiring the cameras, tripods and all other equipment for the night.

It was time to move on and we did so as quickly as possible so as to arrive at our final destination before the sun left us with little light to prepare our evening meal and setup our site for the evening. Our destination for the day was the Bandon, Port Orford KOA.

Tonight was the final night of use for our Weber barbecue, the outside finally rusted through, it was actually the only spot that had rust on the entire thing and rather that keeping it and taking it home and deciding if it were possible to fix it after use since 1993 I decided that it was time that it be retired. It was a hard decision to make as it had been with me since fall of 2000, my sophomore year in college, and had seen many uses at Norcal and other Battalion events during my many years in Battalion.

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