Getting some help with the Post Processing

Did you know that photographs from a digital camera have a little tenge of grey that can be removed? I didn’t know this until another photographer on the side lines of a local Visalia football game shared this with me. It is for that reason that I need to thank very much Deene Souza of Deene Souza Photography, who was kind enough to assist my learning something about photoshop, and a little about post processing.

Deene introduced me to the idea of running actions on photographs before posting to the internet. Particularly concerning the “De-Fog” action that takes out the grey inherent in photographs that come from digital cameras, allowing the photo to be seen more clearly and the colors within the photograph to show themselves more easily. This is a tid-bit that may seem basic to most people that use photoshop regularly, however I rarely use photoshop against my photographs and because of that have suffered through the thought that all photographs must be captured in a single frame.

A defog, simply put, is an unsharp mask with a value of 200% radius of .3 pixels and threshold of 3… and contrary to it’s name it actually makes the photograph more sharp.

Thanks Deene.

Deene’s work is full of color and life, check out her site: and her blog for samples of her work.