Owl Canyon Camping Outside Barstow, Ca 2008

Every year my friends and I get together and go camping in a camp ground outside of Barstow, Ca. Below is a photograph taken in Barstow of the local train station, now a monument to travels long passed most of the grand train station now sits empty with thick layers of dust.



While camping in Barstow a portion of our group often go out to a place called New Jack City for a chance to go climbing. The rock at New Jack City is very nice for climbing, plenty of grip, plenty of hand holds that can offer a good challenge. All of the climbing runs it New Jack City offer the added benefit of having bolts pre-drilled into the rock face. This means that with a couple sets of quick-draws, a helmet, climbing harness, climbing shoes, chalk and a good dynamic rope you can be off and climbing.


Additionally there is an area just outside of camp called Rainbow Canyon, this area is full of different rock formations and different colored soil. We were able to spend a couple of hours walking around taking photographs of things both big and small.



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